Animal PatternsElephant Patterns

Adorable Little Elephant – Crochet Amigurumi Free Pattern

2 Mins read
Adorable Little Elephant - Crochet Amigurumi Free Pattern

Hello, dear crochet enthusiasts! I’ve found a delightful gem in the crochet world that I can’t wait to share with you all. While browsing for inspiring projects, I happened across an absolutely heart-melting pattern, a little elephant crochet amigurumi!

Imagine creating this little elephant, its adorably big ears, curvy trunk, and sweet, rounded body, all crafted within the comforting rhythm of your crochet hook. This pattern beautifully captures the essence of these gentle giants in a charming, petite form, while presenting a delightful and enjoyable amigurumi project for crochet addicts of all levels.

So, gather up your favorite yarns, prepare your hooks, and let’s embark on this journey of creating an adorable crochet elephant companion! Whether you’re making it as a whimsical addition to your own collection or crafting it as a heartfelt, handmade gift, this Adorable Little Elephant pattern promises an exciting and rewarding crochet experience. Let’s dive into this stitching adventure together!

Pattern Designer: Crafty Lacey


  • 2 mm crochet hook
  • 6 mm safety eyes


Mr – magic ring
St – stitch
Sc – single crochet
Inc – increase
Dec – decrease
Ch – chain
Sl st – slip stitch

Arms x2

Rnd 1: 6 sc in Mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc (12)
Rnd 3-18: sc in all 12


Rnd 1: 6 sc in Mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc (12)
Rnd 3: 1 sc, inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2 sc, inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3 sc, inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4 sc, inc (36)
Rnd 7: 5 sc, inc (42)
Rnd 8: 6 sc, inc (48)
Rnd 9: 7 sc, inc (54)
Rnd 10-18: sc in all
Rnd 19: 7 sc, dec (48)
Rnd 20: 6 sc, dec (42)
Rnd 21: 5 sc, dec (36)

Attach safety eyes between rounds 14-15 with 7 st apart.

Rnd 22: 4 sc, dec (30)
Rnd 23: 3 sc, dec (24)


Start with orange.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in Mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc (12)
Rnd 3: 1 sc, inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2 sc, inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3 sc, inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4 sc, inc (36)
Rnd 7: 5 sc, inc (42)
Rnd 8: 6 sc, inc (48)
Rnd 9-14: s in all
Rnd 15: 6 sc, dec (42)
Rnd 16-19: sc in all 42
Rnd 20: 5 sc, dec (36)
Rnd 21-23: sc in all 36
Rnd 24: 4 sc, dec (30)
Rnd 25: 3 sc, dec (24)

Legs x 2


Rnd 1: 6 sc in Mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc (12)
Rnd 3: 1 sc, inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2 sc, inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3 sc, inc (30)
Rnd 6: sc in all (30)

Change color to orange.

Rnd 7: sc in all (30)
Rnd 8: 7 sc, (2 sc, decc) * 4, 7 sc (26)
Rnd 9-10: sc in all (26)
Rnd 11: 9 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 8 sc (24)
Rnd 12: sc in all (24)
Rnd 13: 9 sc, (sc, dec) * 2, 9 sc (22)
Rnd 14-16: sc in all (22)
Rnd 17: 8 sc, (1 sc, dec) * 2, 8 sc (20)
Rnd 18: 4 sc, (1 sc, dec) * 4, 4 sc (16)
Rnd 19-21: sc in all (16)
Rnd 22: 2 sc, (1 sc, dec) * 4, 2 sc (12)
Rnd 23-25: sc in all (12)
Rnd 26: 3 sc, (1 sc, dec) * 2, 3 sc (10)
Rnd 27-35: sc in all (10)

Ears x2

Start with pink yarn.

Rnd 1: 4 sc in ring, ch 1 turn
Rnd 2: (inc) in every st, ch 1 turn
Rnd 3: sl st, (inc) * 6, sl st, ch 1 turn
Rnd 4: sl st, (inc) * 12, ch 1 turn

Change color to gray.

Rnd 5: sl st, (inc) * 24, ch 1 turn
Rnd 6-7: sc in all

Sc along the bottom.

Adorable Little Elephant tips 1


Rnd 1: 4 sc in Mr (4)
Rnd 2: inc
Rnd 3-4: sc in all
Rnd 5: 3 sc, inc (10)
Rnd 6: sc in all
Rnd 7: 4 sc, inc (12)
Rnd 8: sc in all
Rnd 9: 5 sc, inc (14)
Rnd 10: sc in all
Rnd 11: 6 sc, inc (16)
Rnd 12-13: sc in all

Well, folks, I hope you enjoyed this little elephant pattern as much as I did. It was a pleasure to share with you all.

And hey, if you’re not into cute little elephants, that’s totally cool too. But let me just say, there’s something so satisfying about creating a tiny creature out of yarn and seeing it come to life in your hands.

Either way, I highly recommend giving this pattern a try, who knows what kind of magic you might create!

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